How do I start working with Dr. Smith?

A short introductory phone conversation with Dr. Smith covers the basics of your current issues, goals for care, and mental health background. You have the chance to share any questions or concerns about your treatment. You may further discuss Dr. Smith’s experience, expertise, personality, and care philosophy. If needed, take some time to consider whether it is a good fit before scheduling your initial appointment.

What should I prepare for the first appointment?

Communicating an understanding of your complete self is the most important part of mental health care, but a single psychiatric evaluation cannot capture all the complexities of your life. For this reason, you have the opportunity to answer extensive questions about your personal history at home, prior to the initial interview. You have the freedom to describe any and all aspects of your personal background, present life situation, and mental health experiences, without limits on time or length. You can also submit relevant medical records for Dr. Smith to review. Telling your story in your own words strengthens the patient-psychiatrist relationship and enhances your care.

What happens at the first appointment?

The initial interview starts with a simple question: “What can I do for you today?” The meeting should feel comfortable, providing a safe and confidential setting to share personal aspects of yourself. As you tell your story, Dr. Smith listens attentively and gives careful consideration to the biological, psychological, and social factors influencing your life. Key questions and issues are explored in depth. The end of the evaluation covers diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Smith will discuss a range of care options with you, including medication and non-medication remedies. All solutions offered will have a sound scientific basis.

What happens after the first appointment?

Whenever you start a prescription medication, you typically meet with Dr. Smith in 3-6 weeks to see how you feel. In the meantime, if any issues arise, you can reach Dr. Smith for a discussion or an earlier follow-up appointment.

How often do I see Dr. Smith?

If you are prescribed medication and your condition does not improve, you may need to change doses or medications. In that case, you would meet with Dr. Smith again in another 3-6 weeks, until you feel better. If you take controlled substances such as stimulants, regulations require quarterly medication management visits. People who are stable only need to be seen twice per year.